Blue Heaven Divers, propose as an option to the scuba-diving training, an insurance coverage for your course.

If you do not have any personal insurance covering incident in scuba-diving, this option may interest you.

  • RM 42 –Insurance for Open Water Course per course and per person.
  • RM 53 – Insurance for Advanced Open Water Course per course and per person.

Divers Alert Network (DAN) Europe

Your safety has first priority and Blue Heaven Divers instructors are partnering with the worldwide largest diving safety organization, with more than 30 years experience: the Divers Alert Network (DAN) Europe.

DAN developed, in collaboration with IDA
(International Diving Assurance Ltd.), is a special diving accident
insurance coverage provided to you through Blue Heaven Divers.

Why an insurance coverage?

Diving is an inspiring, multifaceted and safe recreational activity.
However, it also bears some inherent risks as you will learn
during your training as a diver.

Sadly, accidents cannot always be avoided, and the costs
resulting from diving accidents are not necessarily covered by
health insurances. This is why Blue Heaven Divers propose a optional coverage for our student.

What is covered by the insurance?

Worldwide emergency medical treatment, hyperbaric therapy and hospitalization included up to € 30.000,00.

Alarm Center and management of medical emergencies 24/7

Emergency medical evacuation included in Worldwide Emergency Medical Treatment Limits

Search & rescue of the missing diver up to € 2.500,00.

Period of insurance?

Inception date: Upon registration of the student in the MyDAN section by Blue Heaven Divers.

Date of expiration: Upon diving certification (max. 365 days).

How to subscript to DAN insurance?

If you want to subscript for an insurance for your course, you just have to complete and send us the insurance form that you will receive when you will have book your course.

Payment of the insurance and final registration will be done just before the beginning of your training at our dive center with your instructor.